
Dear Ellen,
This letter is in regards to my close friend Julia Andrews and her efforts to be on your show. As you may or may now know, she has a research support group called ‘You Don’t Even Know’ or YDEK for short. This group is dedicated to spreading the knowledge of diabetes. Pretty much the whole time I have know Julia, she has been very committed to this. More committed than I have seen any 15 year old girl be. She has gone above and beyond to cause awareness for this cause and has had a good time with, along with some outstanding results. If it wasn’t for her, I probably wouldn’t even know as much about the cause as I do now. She is truly an inspiration and so is her group. Julia puts so much effort into it, I don’t even know how she has time to sleep. I know I wouldn’t be able to do half the things that Julia has pulled off. It amazes me in so many ways how successful she has been so far in her support and her goals and I know that being on the Ellen show would be absolutely amazing.
It’s been her dream ever since I can remember. I know this would mean the world to her and bring her support just one step closer to increasing the world’s awareness of diabetes. I know how much of an impact the Ellen show has on many people and I know that having Julia and her group on there would really be something. All I am asking if for you to highly consider this amazingly talented girl, and her efforts, to be broadcasted on the Ellen Show for everyone to see. This would mean a lot to not only Julia, but to everyone that has ever dealt with diabetes. Thank you.


This letter is in regards to my little sister, Julia Andrews. She is a huge fan of yours, and a supporter of Diabetes. She has continued to amaze me with everything she does for the cause. When she first started her group, You Don’t Even Know, or YDEK, I thought it was just a phase, or part of her love for the Jonas Brothers. I thought it was a good cause, but I didn’t think she’d stick to it like she has. But she proved me wrong. Julia is very determined to raise awareness about diabetes, and I, along with thousands of other people, support her 110%. She is very passionate about this, and it would mean the world to her if you would allow her to come on your show, to show everyone how serious this is. Julia has been trying to get on your show for a long time now, and I think it’s about time her dream comes true. This is not just some teenager trying to get on TV, or have her few minutes of fame. This is not about her at all. Julia is a young girl with a dream to raise awareness of a cause that is more serious than a lot of people realize. If you could help her dream come true, I know it would mean the world to her, her supporters, and everyone who suffers from Juvenile Diabetes. So please, allow her to be on your show. There aren’t many people, especially as young as Julia, who would take the time out of their lives to support a cause like this, and one they haven’t suffered first hand, at that. Thank you.
Sincerely, Jennifer Andrews.


For a while, my friends group called YDEK has been trying to get on your show. I, along with many others, would appreciate it if attention was finally given to her. The group has an amazing purpose, supporting diabetes and trying to create awareness. Also, it’s based off Nick Jonas, who is an amazing role model. If you could just consider, thank you.